Hire Yourself Today

Hire Yourself Today

Start by reading the book Life Is A Sales Job by Shirley Thom, and watch for the forthcoming Training Webcast.

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Life Is A Sales Job
Book (Hard-Cover): Life Is A Sales Job
by Shirley Thom

She has more than 30 years’ experience in professional sales as a sales representative, sales manager, and sales consultant. She believes that success is personal. She is leery of the guarantee of fast bucks to anyone who will follow the latest “get rich quick” craze. She stresses the importance of recognizing and applying individual assets and experiences to cultivate a life-time of personal growth and professional satisfaction.

$24.95+S&H – Available for Immediate Shipment

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Chapter 1

Wake Up With An Attitude

How do you want to start your day? What you see is not what you get. It’s what you make of it.

Chapter 11

Mentors and Other Helping Hands

For all our bravado in pursuit of independence, it helps to have people helping us.

Chapter 2

Why Sell?

You already do. Everyone sells. You may as well do it right and be handsomely rewarded for your efforts.

Chapter 12

The Three Elements of a Sale

Sales is the buying and selling of goods, services, and ideas. The three elements present in every sale are the product, the buyer, and the seller.

Chapter 3

Your Mirror Image

Your appearance creates the first impression. It is nearly impossible to overcome a bad first impression.

Chapter 13

Developing a Client List

Who are your prospective customers, and how do you catch their attention?

Chapter 4

The Gut Check

Your hidden asset is the product you hold inside. Make sure you know what’s in there and how to use it.

Chapter 14

Your First Meeting

This is no blind date. You must learn to control the meeting and be prepared to take it to the next step.

Chapter 5

Prepare Yourself To Be Lucky

Luck comes to everyone. You’ll want to be prepared to take advantage of it when it comes your way. Set goals and develop an action plan.

Chapter 15

Effective Presentations

Presentations come in many forms. Any time you do something to get a response from anyone, including yourself, you are making a presentation.

Chapter 6

The Computers Have Landed

The leaders of the computer age are not the same kind of people who led us through the industrial age. They’ve changed the way products are positioned and sold.

Chapter 16

Profitable Persuasions

Did you really think they’d buy everything you presented? You’re going to have to answer objections and give a little back. Now your’re really selling.

Chapter 7

What Sales Isn’t

Sales is not a dishonorable way to earn a living. Let’s dispel the nasty rumors.

Chapter 17

At Your Service

Signing the contract does not finish the sale. Your customers need service.

Chapter 8

Listen Up!

“No one ever listened himself out of a job,” said Calvin Coolidge. If you can’t listen, you can’t sell.

Chapter 18

Projecting Your Income

No one is handing you a paycheck. What you earn will require discipline and time management.

Chapter 9

Company Choices

Selecting the kind of company you want to work for is a critical decision. Where do you want to work?

Chapter 19

What If You Lose?

Is a swing and a miss a failure, or a setback? It’s a failure only if you fail to take care of it.

Chapter 10

Your First Official Sale

Your first official sale is to sell yourself into a sales position with the company of your choice.

Chapter 20

Keep Your Eye on the Ball …

and the Road Straight Ahead
Why stop now? Tomorrow takes another attitude. Stay focused and keep on winning.





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    Beneath Detroit’s two-spherical system, the 2 highest vote-getters run towards each other in the general election,
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    Ошибки в кадастровом учете недвижимости могут привести к серьезным проблемам, включая нарушение прав собственника, сложности с продажей или оформлением ипотеки, а также другие неприятности. Важно знать, как действовать в таких ситуациях и какие меры можно предпринять для защиты своих прав. В этой статье мы расскажем, как юрист по жилищным вопросам может помочь вам справиться с такой проблемой.

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    Если ошибка очевидна и вызвана техническими недочетами, первым шагом станет обращение в Росреестр с требованием об исправлении данных. Юрист по жилищным вопросам поможет вам подготовить заявление и проконтролировать процесс его рассмотрения.

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    В некоторых случаях для исправления ошибки может потребоваться проведение кадастровой экспертизы. Юрист по жилищным вопросам поможет вам организовать экспертизу и использовать ее результаты для внесения изменений в кадастровые документы.

    4. Обращение в суд
    Если Росреестр отказывается исправлять ошибку или если проблема не может быть решена в административном порядке, следующим шагом станет обращение в суд. Юрист по жилищным вопросам поможет вам подготовить исковое заявление и будет представлять ваши интересы в судебных заседаниях.

    Ошибки в кадастровом учете недвижимости — это серьезная проблема, которая требует профессионального подхода и тщательной проверки документов. Чтобы эффективно защитить свои права и исправить ошибки, рекомендуется обратиться за консультацией к специалистам. Подробнее об этом можно узнать на сайте, который является надежным источником информации по жилищным вопросам.

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  14. Fifty p.c of the corporate’s revenue comes from financial information bought to shoppers together with Bloomberg L.P.

    Senate investigators documented similar transactions from a list of
    other prohibited jurisdictions including North Korea, Cuba, Sudan and Burma.
    United States Senate. 17 July 2012. pp. Sanyal, Prasad (9 November 2012).
    “Arvind Kejriwal targets HSBC, Mukesh Ambani over black money”.

    Solar-Sentinel. November 1, 2005. p. Bowers, Simon (9 November 2012).
    “HSBC Jersey accounts investigated by UK tax authorities”.
    Kennedy, Simon (eight February 2007). “Sub-prime gloom picks up after HSBC warning”.

    Dart, Tom (11 February 2016). “The Guardian – Families of People killed by Mexican cartels sue HSBC for laundering billions”.
    Gerard Ryle; Will Fitzgibbon; Mar Cabra; Rigoberto Carvajal; Marina Walker
    Guevara; Martha M. Hamilton; Tom Stites (eight February 2015).
    “Banking Giant HSBC Sheltered Murky Money Linked to Dictators and Arms Sellers”.
    Chandramouli (2015). The Brand Belief Report India Research 2015.
    TRA. Oborne, Peter (17 February 2015). “Why I have resigned from the Telegraph”.
    Lan, Rixu (2015). Transformation of China’s Trendy
    Banking System.

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  17. Franke, D.; Sibold, D.; Teichel, K.; Dansarie,
    M.; Sundblad, R. (17 April 2019). Network Time Safety for
    the Network Time Protocol (html). Franke, D.; Sibold, D.; Teichel, K.;
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    On April 27, 2006, D-Hyperlink and Kamp introduced that they’d
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    “Unwanted HTTP: Who Has the Time?” (PDF).

    Ellen, P.; Webb, D.; Mohr, L. (2006). “Constructing company associations: Client attributions for corporate socially responsible packages”.
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