What is an Entrepreneurial Junkie?

Entrepreneurial JunkiesAn Entrepreneurial Junkie is a Business Owner or an Aspiring Entrepreneur dedicated to turning problems (or apparent needs) into profitable solutions by creating new businesses.

We confess to our addiction of visionary thinking and creative obsessions. We embrace failure as a learning experience on the path of success and participate actively in continuing education.

Although some may ridicule and criticize us, we are dedicated to providing jobs, opportunities, and beneficial products or services to others.

We are addicted to learn more to earn more.

I started my first real business in 1966 at the age of 19. I dropped out of college to open a fast-food drive-in restaurant. We provided easy drive-through service with a lunch time special of a hamburger, fries, and milk shake for only 45 cents.

The lessons I learned from this venture became my college education. I took the test first and learned the lessons later. It cost me more, but the knowledge was priceless from that experience and every other business I have founded since then.

I believe in constant continuing education and feel it is absolutely necessary to run any enterprise. But, on the job training can become expensive. We need more opportunities to learn from the wisdom of those who have gone before us.

So, I have created a special interest group of aspiring and seasoned entrepreneurs. If you desire to share lessons learned and biz how-tos with other entrepreneurial types, you are welcome to join us.

You can schedule pre approved business related educational events and WEBINARS and share with others.

We currently share our knowledge and post our events on a Biznik Group site called Entrepreneurial Junkies. You can join with us there. If you are not a member of Biznik yet, please accept my invitation to join and share with us. It is free of charge and you never know who you might meet.


Howard Howell writes about the art of selling. When not writing, he is teaching or coaching business owners how to increase their selling effectiveness with common sense and experience.

By Howard Howell

Howard is an Internet Sales Consultant. He speaks professionally about Web Marketing and Sensible Selling from an experienced entrepreneur’s viewpoint. He also provides individual coaching, group training, and web marketing consulting services. Contact him now.


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