Why Blog?

Blog To Sell by That Sales Guy

Why Should I Blog?

Sell Your Expertise With A Blog Book Cover by That Sales GuyBecause “a Blog is the most effective marketing tool YOU can use to help people get what THEY want.” ~ HH

Marketing is the process of attracting prospective customers that want what you have. It leads to the selling of your products or services. You have multiple sales tools available. If a Blog is today’s most effective marketing tool, we should be able to answer the question: Why Blog to Sell?

My favorite sales trainer has always been Zig Ziglar. I’ll never forget this Motra (Motivating Mantra) that he impressed upon me back in the 1970’s.

“You can get everything in life YOU want, if you will just help enough other people get what THEY want.”

A Blog is the best way to HELP the most peopleIt sums up the premise that Selling is really Helping.

And, you can help more people with a Blog than most other communication mediums. It is probably one of the most effective ways to get your thoughts and ideas published.

Are there any other reasons YOU should Blog?
Although I consider a blog a great tool to help others learn about your solutions, here are a few other reasons you might want to consider if you need a little more incentive to start blogging.

To Sell Anything – You Need To Tell Your Story

Blog To Sell by That Sales GuyEducating, teaching, and demonstrating the benefits and value proposition of any product or service is how we influence people to make a purchase. Although you are limited by your audience and visibility in the market place, the Internet has made it possible for you to reach more people with less effort than ever before in history.

With the addition of rich media such as images, audios, and videos, we have at our disposal an information distribution bonanza. Add to this, the service provided by the search applications, and our ability to post our ideas in cyberspace to be found by anyone in the world, in a matter of seconds, we can serve more people than every before.

Blogging enables you to tell more stories to more people

You just need a simple BlogSite and the initiative to learn how to provide your ideas and solutions as original content that can be indexed by Google, Bing, or Yahoo.

Learn more at a complimentary Weekly Web Marketing Webinar

By Howard Howell

Howard is an Internet Sales Consultant. He speaks professionally about Web Marketing and Sensible Selling from an experienced entrepreneur’s viewpoint. He also provides individual coaching, group training, and web marketing consulting services. Contact him now.


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