#1 Sales Tool


You Can’t Sell Without It

Every professional has a tool kit. And, they have their favorite and most used tools. Even amateurs have tool kits for their hobbies and do-it-yourself projects.

I could speculate about each profession’s #1 Tool and the top 5 tools absolutely necessary to success in each trade but the list would vary immensely. Everyone has their own style of work; their unique approach to their craft is was makes life so interesting.

If you were a carpenter, contractor, home repair handyman, or any other home trade tradesman (or tradeswoman), I’d guess that your top favorite tools would be (in no particular order) tape measure, screwdriver, hammer, pliers, drill, saw, etc. You would have variations of sizes, types, and styles of each of them plus a whole slew of specialty tools that apply to your particular niche or frequent tasks that you encounter.

Every professional, whether doctor, lawyer, contractor, accountant, etc. is successful and productive to the extent that they know how to use and have access to the right tools. But every professional is also a business unto themselves with a constant need for clients or customers that need the services you provide. You will need someone to sell your services or you must do the selling yourself.

Everyone is selling something, although it may not be your chosen profession. Consequently, just as I have an amateur tool kit for repairs around the house when I don’t call in a professional, you should have an amateur tool kit for sales activities relating to finding and closing new customers.

If you are a professional sales person, you should have (and know how to use them effectively) the best tools necessary to produce the best results for you employer.

You learn how to use these tools through periodic training or continuing education. This is a great investment to guarantee a continuing stream of new customers.

You can view a short presentation about the minimum sales tools that your sales kit should contain along with what I feel is the #1 Sales Tool everyone should know how to use at my weekly sales call, BizChatz TeleConference. Join me for a short call to talk about this topic in more depth.

By Howard Howell

Howard is an Internet Sales Consultant. He speaks professionally about Web Marketing and Sensible Selling from an experienced entrepreneur’s viewpoint. He also provides individual coaching, group training, and web marketing consulting services. Contact him now.


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