Rejection Is A Good Thing

The Entrepreneurs Selling Secret – Shoot for the Rejections

Jeff BowThis article is a guest post from Jeff Bow, executive coach, Brilliance through Balance

Instead of worrying about being rejected and not fitting in, what if your goal was rejection?

If you were an entrepreneur who created a system to get paid every time that you, your clients or potential clients had a fear, you would probably be in Hawaii on a beach sipping a Mai Tai or reading this post from your villa in Tuscany.

Fear of failure and rejection are the leading causes why entrepreneurs struggle in their efforts to build great businesses. It’s not that people aren’t talented or skilled, in fact, it’s quite the opposite. Most entrepreneurs have fantastic ideas and are passionate in their beliefs that they can make a difference with their product or service.

Our need to fit in (social conformity) and to be liked is a major road block to accessing our true potential. We would rather fit in and not offend anyone even when it makes no sense. A recent Dateline NBC show illustrated this point by conducting an experiment in an elevator. The elevator was filled with Dateline employees who were told to turn and face the back of the elevator after someone got in. The back of the elevator had no exit and was just a solid wall. The people that entered saw what the others were doing and just followed. Everyone was staring at the back of the elevator wall.

Collaboration is great way to exchange ideas, learn something and gain support until you have to face your potential customer alone …. all alone. That is when fear rises like steam from the ground and begins to take over like Twilight’s vampires surrounding you threatening to suck the confidence and courage out of you. You begin to doubt the integrity of what you are selling and it’s worthiness to your recipient.

When your collaborators are not physically present, the need for acceptance increases and so does the fear of rejection. Approaching a potential customer to buy your product or service becomes intimidating.

Although statistics vary, let’s use a 1:10 ratio (1 sale for every 10 rejections).

What if you were to change your approach?

Instead of worrying about being rejected and not fitting in, what if your goal was rejection?

You can automatically satisfy the ego by accomplishing your task and the chances of exceeding your expectations are great!

Look at the benefits.

  • – It easier to find 10 rejections then it is to find te one sale.
  • – Statistically you’re almost guaranteed success in meeting your goal. The chances of not reaching your goal has now become 1 in 10. The odds are now in your favor.
  • – If you fail to get rejected, you win a new customer. Hmmm……
  • – An additional benefit is that the lousier you are at being rejected, the more successful you will be in your business. Sounds like a win-win to me.
  • – There’s nothing to fear because you are expecting to get rejected.
  • – You now have nothing to lose.

8 Tips to get you started on your rejections!

  1. Shoot for high quality rejections. Why waste time on markets where your product or service doesn’t apply. Identify prospects that fit your ideal client profile.
  2. Be able to communicate what you do in 5 to 7 words or in a sentence at the most. In this world of instant gratification avoid having your prospect say, “What’s your point”? High quality rejection prospects expect clarity. They are not good at guessing.
  3. Take a genuine interest in your prospect. If you succeed in your rejection you may never see them again, so get all the information now. If you fail in your task, you will need the information for future use for your customer profile.
  4. Be yourself. It’s too much work trying to copy someone else or their material. High quality rejection prospects like originality.
  5. Give your best presentation performance! You’ll probably never see them again so you have nothing to lose. Be prepared!
  6. Get rejected in public if possible. Go big or go home! Take your ideal prospect to a neutral zone away from their office. This lessens the distractions and the focus is on you and them.
  7. Ask for the business! Ask for referrals! Your goal is rejection anyway. What the heck ….go for it. Communicate who your ideal client is so that they can help identify the right referrals.
  8. Make a pact with other entrepreneurs as a challenge to rack up the rejections.

You are a creative entrepreneur. Why let a little selling get in the way? This world needs what you have to offer.

Remember the following quote: “A rejection is nothing more than a necessary step in the pursuit of success.” –Bo Bennett


Jeff is an Executive Coach who supports leaders to express their Brilliance through Balance, opening all portals to happiness, fulfillment and leadership results.

Learn more about the author, Jeff Bow, MCLC.

By Howard Howell

Howard is an Internet Sales Consultant. He speaks professionally about Web Marketing and Sensible Selling from an experienced entrepreneur’s viewpoint. He also provides individual coaching, group training, and web marketing consulting services. Contact him now.


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