Sales Challenges

Do you ever encounter sales obstacles?


There are numerous obstacles that prevent you from making more sales. Your marketing strategy, sales process, and even your daily attitude have a large impact on your success in creating new sales and generating profitable revenue.

Do you maintain a regime of continued performance evaluation and self-improvement? Do you schedule time on your calendar and give it the importance it deserves? I like a quote from Stephen Covey about taking time to “sharpen the saw”.

Questions to ponder or create your own.

  • Can you change your results by doing nothing?
  • Are you asking the right questions?
  • Can a proper use of social media improve your personal contact opportunities?
  • Have you tried a new marketing campaign that did not work recently?
  • Is your current sales process working for you?
  • Is your value added proposition resonating with your prospects?
  • Are you befuddled with the new “free” movement?
  • Do you have a difficult time with frequent “attitude checks”?
  • How do you respond to the comment “the economy is bad right now”?
  • Do you feel like you don’t have enough time for marketing, selling, and working?
  • Are your sales tools working for you?
  • Are distractions and interruptions getting you bogged down?
  • How are your numbers? Do you keep track of your ratios?
  • Do you have regular accountability mentoring sessions?
  • Are rejections getting you down? Are you failing enough?
  • How are you responding to “Your price is too high?”

Questions such as these and the other concerns that frequent your thoughts can stimulate you to improvement if you will schedule a regular time to pose them to pros that can give you a little feedback and inspiration.

Sales Challenges Solutions

I am a sales pro with over 40 years of experience and welcome you to join me on Mondays where we will discuss real-world solutions to YOUR marketing and sales challenges.

The first call of the day is FREE at 9:15AM Pacific Time. Join me at Weekly Sales Call where you can pose YOUR challenges for discussion and receive Sensible Selling Tips from an experienced Internet Sales Consultant. Don’t forget to post your question in the online form prior to the call or raise your hand during the call.

Let’s discuss it.

By Howard Howell

Howard is an Internet Sales Consultant. He speaks professionally about Web Marketing and Sensible Selling from an experienced entrepreneur’s viewpoint. He also provides individual coaching, group training, and web marketing consulting services. Contact him now.


  1. Thank you Howard for this list of great questions to be asking myself. I shared this with my “fans” as well!

    Thanks again!

  2. Thank you Howard for this list of great questions to be asking myself. I shared this with my “fans” as well!

    Thanks again!

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