Social Media 101

A nice conference but… did it address the all important “what’s in it for me?” factors?

Social Media I would like to thank Joe Kennedy of Eastside Entrepreneurs and the Eastside Business Journal for creating an event attended by 150-200 inquiring minds yesterday. It was held on the Microsoft Redmond Campus. It was billed as the conference to learn how and why to get your business connected online.

Thank you to the sponsors and the presenters, especially for the nice lunch provided by the sponsorship of Comcast.

I came away with a few new ideas. But, I also have a few questions and a suggestion for the next one.

I’ve been actively participating in online networking for a little over 2 years now. I still have the usual questions of how does this new media affect me and my business along with how do I make the best and most productive use of it.

I think the conference helped a few people understand the WHY you should be connecting online but I think it lacked in the HOW other than showcase a few that have learned themselves.

Joe; I wished it could have been an all day conference with break-out sessions conducted by specialists in each of the different social media tools. The panels were great for general information but I would have enjoyed a learning venue for assorted hands-on break-out sessions.

If I had known a little more about the event prior, I would have became a sponsor and offered some specific action steps a person should take when embarking into this arena. You know, some real 101 stuff.

I was rather surprised while talking with a few of the attendees that they have not created the basic online profile for their business or professional service and they were not yet aware of how to go about it. And, I don’t think the conversations of the panels gave them any more direction other than pointing out a few of the social media sites and reinforcement that blogging was still a viable activity.

The best presentation, in my opinion was by Eric Weaver of Tribal DDB Canada. He made a good case of why it is important to have an online presence no matter if you are a job seeker or a professional looking for contract work.

My favorite thought take-away was that social media is an engagement rather than PR or Advertising. It’s making friends and starting new relationships. It’s really all about sharing. I’m not sure but I think is was Kevin Urie that said that.

I also enjoyed comments from a number of the panelists, including Edith Yeung, Jake Ludington, Jason Preston, Chris Pirillo, Andru Edwards, John Cook, Joshua Dirks, Warren Sukernek, Shauna Causey, and Joe Kennedy.

So, my suggestion for the next conference is to have an expanded program of break-out sessions demonstrating the inner workings and how-tos of global and local online social networking.

Thanks again for the event Joe, and I hope you will do another.

By Howard Howell

Howard is an Internet Sales Consultant. He speaks professionally about Web Marketing and Sensible Selling from an experienced entrepreneur’s viewpoint. He also provides individual coaching, group training, and web marketing consulting services. Contact him now.


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