Why Should I Blog?

Have you ever asked yourself why you should create a blog?

Baby BloggerI have. And my initial responses were, who cares? Why would anybody want to read what I write. After all, I’ve been an entrepreneur all my life. I never consider myself to be a writer. But I am a reader. And, I think I’ve finally discovered why writing a blog is important to my business success today with increased internet awareness through social media marketing.

It gets down to TRUST. Building trust, marketing trust, earning trust, and deserving trust.

We’ve heard the phrase “people do business with who they trust”. It is one of the most important reasons prospective customers and clients chose their solution providers. Trust is the foundational key to successful selling. And, marketing for that matter.

And don’t forget that we all are selling something every day and sometimes even more often.

I periodically read a blog that I have been following for sometime by ChrisBrogan. I don’t agree with everything that he touts, but over time I have found him to be very insightful and helpful. It is sometimes inspirational for this old man to read what this young man has to say about using the internet to do what we have always done in the past for business.

Over time, he has built influence with me, improved his reputation with me, and earned a degree of trust from me. This last week, I had an opportunity to buy his new book with co-author Julien Smith. The book is titled Trust Agents and I was privileged to meet them both at a book signing event.

Did my trust level change after meeting him in person? No, I think it increased because he’s a regular guy. He was pleasant and I enjoyed his presentation from the perspective that he is probably on a fast-and-furious book promotional tour. I empathize with him that he probably didn’t even know which town he was in, but he still took enough interest to write a personal message for each book that he signed.

His book is about building trust in this new era of online social media. I like what I’ve read thus far and agree with the first of his 6 behaviors that define a trust agent. “Make Your Own Game”.

Today, you can do that immediately by creating your own blog. “Making your own game is about standing out from the crowd.” You will not stand out from any crowd unless you have a platform (or a soapbox). This is the primary reason you and I should blog.

If we don’t, we’ll never stand out. So just do it.

Oh yeah. And read the book. Understand how to build trust that sells more of your product or service.

Learn More… about how to design a blogsite that sells…

…by following my blog. I’ll share my lessons with you.

By Howard Howell

Howard is an Internet Sales Consultant. He speaks professionally about Web Marketing and Sensible Selling from an experienced entrepreneur’s viewpoint. He also provides individual coaching, group training, and web marketing consulting services. Contact him now.


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