YOUR Unique Selling Proposition

What makes your product or service unique?

Unique Selling PropositionThis subject is talked about in sales training constantly. But, it really needs more attention than that. Because, without it you are paddling upstream while your competitor is flying overhead.

If you cannot demonstrate and articulate what sets you apart from your competition, your competition will probably win the race. So how do you accomplish or earn the distinction you deserve?

My obvious advice is to council with a good coach or mentor. You should regularly seek the advice of an experienced third party that cares about you success.

You should also be watching and learning from the information cloud that looms over you daily. Yesterday, Chris Brogan posted a topic “How To Compete” and he talked about unique differentiators.

It is an excellent article and he gave some very good examples and reference links to outstanding businesses that understand their USP or Unique Selling Proposition. Read and study what they are doing and transfer their techniques to YOUR business.

Learn More…

by connecting with That Sales Guy and discovering YOUR sense of sell.

Related Reading Suggestions…

Riches in Niches: How to Make It Big in a Small Market by Susan Friedmann

Becoming a Category of One: How Extraordinary Companies Transcend Commodity and Defy Comparison by Joe Calloway


Howard Howell writes about the art of selling. When not writing, he is teaching or coaching business owners how to increase their selling effectiveness with common sense and experience.

By Howard Howell

Howard is an Internet Sales Consultant. He speaks professionally about Web Marketing and Sensible Selling from an experienced entrepreneur’s viewpoint. He also provides individual coaching, group training, and web marketing consulting services. Contact him now.


  1. Can you be more specific about the content of your article? After reading it, I still have some doubts. Hope you can help me.

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