Your Virtual Sales Office

Can you increase your sales with a competent assistant?

Admin AssistantThe short answer is absolutely yes. And, with today’s online tools, it’s even easier to hire (outsource) a competent assistant.

A sales assistant can screen your calls, perform administrative duties, solve operational interruptions, facilitate support requests, perform repetitive marketing tasks, along with processing regular and recurring orders.

Understanding The New Media Sales Process coupled with a knowledgeable sales assistant can enable you to sell more today. Your marketing efforts and various media campaigns take a lot of time away from actual selling. You could be maximizing your productivity by outsourcing or hiring others to do what they do better than you.

Services might include:

  • Customer Contact List Management
  • Personal Website Maintenance (Webmaster)
  • Email / Direct Mail Campaign Manager
  • Newsletter Creator
  • Lead and List Generator
  • Research Assistant
  • Marketing Collateral Production
  • Presentation Creator
  • Social Media Director
  • Sales Reporting Management
  • Basic Bookkeeping / Expense Reporting
  • And, many other Administrative Responsibilities

Constant contact with prospects and clients will require excellent people skills and problem solving abilities along with a competent technical understanding of communication tools and the new media. Look for an assistant that understands and excels in these areas. Finding YOUR “right fit” Virtual Sales Assistant can be one of the best ways to increase YOUR sales performance.

What tasks should YOU outsource?

OutsourceDepending on your business organization and product/service that you are selling, you may need one or more specialized assistants coupled with numerous web enabled sales tools and applications. The simplest way to decide which tasks you should delegate is to introspectively analyze your strengths and weaknesses. What parts of the sales process are you always falling behind on and causing you to loose new sales opportunities?

You know what they are. They are usually the tasks that you are constantly putting on the “back burner” and saying to yourself “I’ll do that later”. These are the red flags you should pay attention to. If you don’t start delegating these tasks, you will never become a top sales producer. Focus on YOUR strengths and build YOUR sales/support TEAM.

Finding the right assistant for each of these tasks will take time, experience, and a lot of research. There are plenty of services available today if you invest the time to look for them. The problem is, it sometimes takes more time to recruit and train a new assistant than to just do the job yourself. And, the new assistant may not stay with you for the long-term. The frustrations of finding new assistants holds us back from the sales goals that we aspire to.

But, you will be well rewarded in future long-term sales if you will start doing more delegating of these types of tasks.

What is a Virtual Sales Office Solution?

Interactive Digital AdThis is one of my favorite personal solutions to the long-standing challenge of sales productivity. A Virtual Sales Office consists of a well designed WebroSure™ interactive digital advertisement on the internet producing regular reports of these three important marketing metrics.

  • Traffic (impressions)
  • Opt-Ins (presentations)
  • Conversions (closings)


I use the resulting weekly report to determine the effectiveness of my marketing campaigns and improve my sales funnel thus avoiding cold-calling activity. This tool helps build my sales revenue through a consistent and targeted pre-selling activity that works for me 24 X 7. This allows me more time to spend with existing clients and closing new sales.

The Virtual Assistant that is included with this Marketing Service also provides me with many of the outsource services suggested above. This provides me with a quality long-term assistant because their service is tied to providing me with the internet marketing that I need.

They need me as much as I need them. I find this usually results in a win-win relationship.

By Howard Howell

Howard is an Internet Sales Consultant. He speaks professionally about Web Marketing and Sensible Selling from an experienced entrepreneur’s viewpoint. He also provides individual coaching, group training, and web marketing consulting services. Contact him now.


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