Don’t Build Websites

Build Sales Pages On The Web

Sales Pages ConvertCreate solutions to the problems that YOUR customers have and narrow your marketing niche to becoming the answer they will find when they search.

Should you build a?

  • Landing Page
  • Squeeze Page
  • Sales Page

A landing page is the page that renders when a potential customer clicks on an advertisement, relevant link, or a search result link. The page should display content that is a logical extension of the targeted link, and is optimized for specific search-able keywords or phrases.

A squeeze page is a landing page that is designed to entice an action such as signing up for a service or registering for a mailing list. Squeeze pages can have very high conversion rates and collect information for targeted email or direct contact campaigns.

A sales page is a squeeze page that attracts new customers to your business.

Consider your Sales Page objective

It is not effective unless it creates conversions. Regular attention to your analytics and sales metrics is necessary. Regular follow up with your leads and good sales closing habits are necessary to meet your ultimate objectives.

Good marketing attracts customers while good selling closes more sales.

AIDA is an acronym used in marketing that describes a common sequence of events that are very often undergone when a person is deciding to purchase a product or service. Your sales page should be designed with this in mind.

  • A – Attention (Awareness): attract the attention of the customer.
  • I – Interest: raise customer interest by focusing on and demonstrating advantages and benefits.
  • D – Desire: convince customers that they want, need, or desire the product or service.
  • A – Action: lead customers towards taking action and/or purchasing.

You may need the services of a professional copywriter in addition to a competent web designer. Or, you can elect to DIY (do it yourself) with an abundance of online education and web design tools today. There are some products and services that walk you through all the steps and use templates to get your page up quick and easy.

What are the basics of a sales page?

  • Title that describes the problem
  • Bullet list that provides the solution
  • Opt-In form for a call-to-action

If you create an effective sales page, your potential customers will find you when they search for a solution to their problem. To maintain a stead flow of pre-qualified leads to your sales page, you must maintain it’s freshness and actively pursue off-site inbound links. I call this single solution selling.

You can use the same tools that I use if you don’t want to spend a lot of time researching and going through the learning curve necessary to become productive. I share them in my webinars and workshops. Or, you can engage someone like me to do it for you.

I will share insights into the tools that I use if you are looking for an answer to the question:
How to build an effective sales page?

By Howard Howell

Howard is an Internet Sales Consultant. He speaks professionally about Web Marketing and Sensible Selling from an experienced entrepreneur’s viewpoint. He also provides individual coaching, group training, and web marketing consulting services. Contact him now.


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