Niche Marketing

Single Solution Selling

Niche Marketing
While reading somewhere, I came across the term “Product Splintering”. I was intrigued with the phrase. So naturally, I googled it and came across an article that explained this marketing concept. I could not find the author but would like to share the thought.

This idea is called “Product Splintering”. Let’s look at a better, more applicable example: “How to Cure Foot Fungus” was an actually online ebook (not mine!). It wasn’t selling. The author did some web analysis, and discovered a keyword anomaly. Race and Gender! People were typing in their race and gender with the search. He bought 6 new domains ($30 investment)… Then he made 6 new bookcovers and title pages in this fashion “The Black Man’s Guide to Getting Rid of Foot-fungus” – and – “The Chinese Woman’s Guide to Getting Rid of Foot Fungus” etc… Six times.

Did his sales go up by a factor of 6?

Nope… his sales increased by a factor of 30 times.

He split one specific site into 6 targeted sites

and his sales increased by a factor of 30 times!

Now that’s a disproportionate return on investment… But it makes sense. He made a site designed to catch everyone, meet everyone’s needs and caught no-one. When he focused on serving specific needs and desires, people responded better…

My Single Solution Selling suggestion is just that

Segment your solution and target specific markets with niche related websites. I learned how to do this from Niche Profit Classroom which I not only recommend to others but I also give a $37/month group coaching bonus to anyone subscribing along with me using my affiliate link.

If you are looking for another approach to building your incoming lead traffic, check this out…
Attracting New Customers – Single Solution Selling Site

By Howard Howell

Howard is an Internet Sales Consultant. He speaks professionally about Web Marketing and Sensible Selling from an experienced entrepreneur’s viewpoint. He also provides individual coaching, group training, and web marketing consulting services. Contact him now.


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