What every entrepreneur ought to know about business.
Hire yourself today, focus on the important, and build your dream business. Don’t settle for a job. Create a business!
Hire yourself today, focus on the important, and build your dream business. Don’t settle for a job. Create a business!
I’d like to share a story about my best friend, Darby. He was never one to sit still for very long, so he decided to hire himself and begin the entrepreneurial journey that he had frequently dreamed about. Along the way he discovered how to share his hidden talent and the 3 keys to biz success.
An Entrepreneurial Junkie is a Business Owner or an Aspiring Entrepreneur dedicated to turning problems (or apparent needs) into profitable solutions by creating new businesses.
We are addicted to learning more to earn more.
A brief history of business trends.
This article is a guest post from my friend Kate Phillips, Founder of Total Wealth Coaching.
‘In case you didn’t get the memo: Jobs are Dead.’ A brief history of business trends, and 7 reasons why entrepreneurs rule the world (always have, always will).