Selling Response Ability

Listen First

How can you attract customers by listening to the new media?

One selling secret that is infrequently used is your ability to respond in an effective manner to inquiries and engagements of prospective customers. This is how you create relationship customers through your response ability.

Has the new media reality made it more difficult to get a conversation opportunity with your customers?

In the past sales reps would seek out their prospective customers and present their products and solutions to them. Today, buyers seek out (through search) the solutions they are looking for. Then they evaluate by reviews and online talk and opinions of people with questionable qualifications and experience that give advice on the specific subject.

With all the available information at our fingertips, people feel they can do their own research without the assistance of a sales rep. They feel they can get more diverse perspectives before they make a buying decision. The sales rep of today must become the online expert in his/her specific niche to gain the authoritative position in his/her category. This is the only way you can be found in the new media with keyword searches.

We used to cold-call and get appointments to present while attempting a closing sale. With all the demands on our time these days, it’s getting harder to get that sales appointment. We learned, in order to sell more, simply shut up and listen more. That’s relatively easy in a face to face conversation. You ask and you listen. But, how do you do this in the new media reality.

New media lends itself to allowing the buyer to search and find what they are looking for and then to evaluate and choose. The selling process is much more subtle than it used to be. We need to adapt our selling methods and processes if we want to compete effectively.

Selling your product today requires that you take a different approach of putting your solution out there for the world to see and then optimizing your content in such a manner that your solution is easy to find. As you do, people who are interested will follow, fan, and friend you. This provides you with a unique opportunity to engage and listen to your prospective customers.

This strategy can become your web marketing business. You are now in the business of using the web to find your future clients, rather than cold-calling.

I’d like to share 3 unique methods of listening using the new media reality in my Weekly Sales Call. Join me on the call or view a replay where we will talk more about this topic. Thanks. …Howard

By Howard Howell

Howard is an Internet Sales Consultant. He speaks professionally about Web Marketing and Sensible Selling from an experienced entrepreneur’s viewpoint. He also provides individual coaching, group training, and web marketing consulting services. Contact him now.


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