Is DIY sales training free?

Are you spending time or spending money to sell more?

salescoachingYou can invest in yourself with some professional training that will insure future sales or you can struggle daily to learn those same lessons through experience . Training takes money. Experience takes time. Time IS Money Compounded.By going the “Do It Yourself” route, you will definitely become a better sales person because you will learn many lessons with the passage of time. But, you will also loose many sales in the process over that time and may even kill many future sales success stories because you were not prepared to present and you lost the opportunities that you encountered to start a new long-term client relationship. Yes you may be a better but poorer sales person in the end.

You are “selling” everyday with every meeting that you participate in. You never really know what the “other person” is evaluating in their mind while you are “presenting”. He or she might be your potentially largest new client.

My wife and I were casually strolling through a new car showroom one day while waiting for her car that was in the service department. Now, her car is about 6 years old so naturally we were interested in “just looking” at the current model.

A “typical car salesman” approached us and made such a stupid comment to my wife that she became offended and talked about the bad experience for days after about why she would never return to purchase a new car from that dealership in the future.

Considering all the “negative comments” my wife and I will repeat over the next few years about that sales person’s poor approach to a potential buyer that was “just looking”, he would have been better served to have been enrolled in a regular sales program that would have been teaching and reminding him how to perform his “profession” in a better manner.

By just uttering a different phrase and using a few different words, he could have built a possible friend and potential new customer for life. The fact that my wife had purchased that same model of car a few years past, almost guarantees she will purchase another sometime in the future. Plus, the fact that she is a walking advertisement for that model by simply driving around and commenting to others that inquire about her satisfaction level.

Every time someone comments about it now, she can praise the car while warning people to avoid that sales person. Think of the long-term effect you might have every time you encounter a conversation about your product or service. The real cost of some professional and regular training is priceless in the long-term execution of your profession.

So, is DIY sales traing really free? I think not. And, because every one is selling something, you need to be enrolled with a self-improvement sales training course daily to remind yourself constantly when and what you should “present” to YOUR potential clients, followers, and fans.

You will never get that second chance to make that first impression. And, impressions form perceptions that live long in the minds of your potential advocates. If you don’t create a good first impression you will have to sell a lot harder to overcome them in the future.

By Howard Howell

Howard is an Internet Sales Consultant. He speaks professionally about Web Marketing and Sensible Selling from an experienced entrepreneur’s viewpoint. He also provides individual coaching, group training, and web marketing consulting services. Contact him now.


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