Best Marketing Idea link of the day on the web is right here…

Local Business Solution using New Media

I came across this blog post today and I think it is a great solution for local business looking for ways to use new media for marketing.

I think it makes selling sense. That’s what I call Sensible Selling. It’s about better marketing as a local retail store using the New Media Reality. It doesn’t matter if that’s not your business format. Read it and learn. Translate the principles into your field.

It’s titled: Beat Wal-Mart Bloody with a Blog in Five Steps by Michael Martine.

Michael’s solution list for the local business owner is:

  • Start Building an Email List. Like, Yesterday
  • Get a Blog and Go Crazy
  • Get Social
  • Build Up Your Local Search Presence
  • Figure Out Why You’re Different and Work that Into Everything

I highly recommend that you read and apply the advice in this blog post and you might also want to start following this guy. He has some great ideas.

Start Building an Email List. Like, Yesterday

Good email example for an effective selling follow-up campaignRegarding the “Email List” suggestion, I would also like to share a great example of an email campaign that I received yesterday. I received this after a network meet-up.

I met Len in a group of 12 other business owners. He presented us each with an email opt-in request where he offered to send us a free report with some ideas we could use. Only catch, give him our email and permission to add us to his list.

This is the reply I received later that day. He has demonstrated about 8 best practices of email marketing that I can identify that enhances his service reputation in my mind including a couple of “easy” call to action clicks. Even if I don’t become a customer some day, I will be a better referral associate.

I think this is a great example of a quality local prospecting-marketing campaign using email. You can create an effective one of you own like this and challenge your sales reps to collect “x” number of email permissions every day while cold-calling.

A good follow-up program such as this will undoubtedly increase your selling effectiveness.

His business is McAdams Builders, by the way. And Len McAdams did a great job of local networking and follow-up.

To every local business owner perplexed about how the new media will affect your business marketing program…

Get to it and start working on these 5 steps to beating the big guys, before some new upstart out-flanks you.

By Howard Howell

Howard is an Internet Sales Consultant. He speaks professionally about Web Marketing and Sensible Selling from an experienced entrepreneur’s viewpoint. He also provides individual coaching, group training, and web marketing consulting services. Contact him now.


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