How To Sell With Your Bio

People doing business with people want to know YOU.

Joe the BuilderIt’s a fact that most buying decisions are made after they get to know YOU, like YOU, and TRUST YOU, a phrase made common by Bob Burg, author of Endless Referrals. One way to build that trust is to have an interesting and engaging bio on your online profile. Make sure it includes an interesting photo also.

I recently interviewed Nancy Juetten, author of the Bye-Bye Boring Bio action guide, about how to create a better bio. Nancy is regarded as a DIY Publicity Maven.

Nancy talks about the importance of making your bio interesting as people research you prior to using your company or service. They are giving up “their precious time to read however, if the bio is well, boring, poorly written or a bunch of frivolous self promotion, often the reader will select delete and move on.”

Nancy offers a solution to this frequent challenge faced by business owners and professional service providers in the New Media Reality we are currently dealing with.

I agree with Nancy that “ It is absolutely essential, now more than ever.” You might wonder if people are even going to read YOUR bio and is it really important in your marketing plan? She tells us why in the interview.

I’ve learned from Nancy, as an alumni of her Publici-Tea workshop, that it is important for people to know who you are, what you do, and for whom so they can decide if they want to know more. If you follow Nancy, she will share great examples of well prepared bios and she can teach you how to improve yours.

I have taken Nancy’s advice and created my brand around a profile that I developed from her teaching. I display it on my business card and online at

I teach my clients about the importance of creating an online brand that is consistent with your services or solutions that you provide. Nancy can teach you the specifics on how to develop YOUR winning bio. You should view the interview with Nancy. It will be required reading for my clients.


Howard Howell writes about the art of selling. When not writing, he is teaching or coaching how to increase your selling effectiveness with the New Media Reality.

By Howard Howell

Howard is an Internet Sales Consultant. He speaks professionally about Web Marketing and Sensible Selling from an experienced entrepreneur’s viewpoint. He also provides individual coaching, group training, and web marketing consulting services. Contact him now.


  1. How small is the world, Howard? I saw your headline on Twitter and clicked over to leave a comment suggesting Nancy Juetten’s Bye-Bye Boring Bio Action Guide for your readers and here you are talking about it! I’ve relied on Nancy’s advice on all things PR for a couple of years now and she has never let me down. I’m sure your readers will experience the same kind of benefit.

    I like that we both seek out quality people like Nancy Juetten for ourselves and our readers.

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