Blog Writing Tips

Blogging is a fantastic way to share your ideas with the world, establish yourself as an authority in your field, and drive traffic to your website. But with so much content out there, how do you make your blog posts stand out? Here are some essential blog writing tips to get you started: 1. Know… Continue reading Blog Writing Tips

Categorized as Selling

Create a Color Palette

Website Color Palette Many times while creating websites for clients, the subject of Colors that should be used throughout the website comes up. How to do it? This is a good way to communicate the colors you would like your site developer to use on your new website. You can create a custom color-palette and… Continue reading Create a Color Palette

Categorized as Selling

Simplify the Sales Process – Become a Trusted Advisor

The Sales Process In a typical sales process, you must establish a rapport or relationship with your prospective customer to help establish a feeling of trust before a transaction usually takes place. Since the popularity of the Internet, people research online prior to and during a purchasing cycle to help them make a decision before… Continue reading Simplify the Sales Process – Become a Trusted Advisor

Categorized as Selling

Why Blog?

Sensible Selling with a New Sales Process and with a Niche Sales Site The new sales process begins on Google, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, YouTube, and other social media sites. Your web marketing strategy needs a solid foundation (Niche Product Site) that advertising and search marketing efforts can lead to. You can link this “Niche Selling Site” to your… Continue reading Why Blog?

How to Break your WordPress Website

Things to avoid while working in your WordPress Dashboard As I create new WordPress Self-Hosted Websites for Small Business Owners, many of them want to have full Administrative Access to the Dashboard. I usually fore-warn them that “With Great Power, comes Great Responsibility”, because I have experienced many follow up requests to fix a site… Continue reading How to Break your WordPress Website