Selling it is harder when it is free

Selling something for Free can be easy now but harder later. Do you spend any time selling a Free Introductory Service or Product? I think the Internet (brought on by the digital revolution) has created a whole new business/trade model where we need to re-evaluate and modify our selling strategies. We need to practice methods… Continue reading Selling it is harder when it is free

Do you need a Guru?

A Guru is any person who counsels or advises in a specific field; they can be a mentor, teacher, coach, trainer, consultant, or spiritual guide. They become YOUR personal trusted counselor and adviser.

The Digital Campfire

Down through the ages, humans have shared knowledge from one generation to the next in hopes of preventing heartache and trauma for their posterity. It all started with the telling of stories around the campfire.

New Beginnings are Never Ending

Life is a series of events, some of which require a choice between multiple paths. I sometimes wonder if all roads eventually lead back towards one’s destiny. So, maybe the action is more important than the choice itself. If you hesitate making those choices, you miss the opportunities of varied experiences. I like the definition… Continue reading New Beginnings are Never Ending