How Do I Sell My Expertise?

How should a Doctor, Lawyer, Accountant, or other Professional Service Provider sell their services?

Your patients and clients have no way of knowing how good your expertise really is. They do not know if your diagnosis is the best and most thorough, your motion is the most creative and effective, or your tax return is the most economical and audit-proof.

Why Should I Blog?

Have you ever asked yourself why you should create a blog?

I have. And my initial responses were, who cares? Why would anybody want to read what I write. After all, I’ve been an entrepreneur all my life. I never consider myself to be a writer. But I am a reader. And, I think I’ve finally discovered why writing a blog is important to my business success today with increased internet awareness through social media marketing.

YOUR Unique Selling Proposition

What makes your product or service unique?

This subject is talked about in sales training constantly. But, it really needs more attention than that. Because, without it you are paddling upstream while your competitor is flying overhead.

If you cannot demonstrate and articulate what sets you apart from your competition, your competition will probably win the race. So how do you accomplish or earn the distinction you deserve?

Selling With Leverage

Is it ever appropriate to use a bribe?

When you’ve “got the goods” on someone and you want a concession from them, is it ethical to use that information to your advantage?

My new favorite TV show… Meet Nate Ford, a former insurance investigator that spent his professional career dedicated to the company that he recovered millions in stolen goods for. This same insurance company would refuse a medical claim for his son that would take the life of the innocent child.