What every entrepreneur ought to know about business.
Hire yourself today, focus on the important, and build your dream business. Don’t settle for a job. Create a business!
necessary elements for an effective business or profession
Hire yourself today, focus on the important, and build your dream business. Don’t settle for a job. Create a business!
I’d like to share a story about my best friend, Darby. He was never one to sit still for very long, so he decided to hire himself and begin the entrepreneurial journey that he had frequently dreamed about. Along the way he discovered how to share his hidden talent and the 3 keys to biz success.
Your fingers no longer need to walk far to find information about everything. They can learn all about your product and service from your competitors and hopefully, you.
Get The Content Marketing Playbook.
A great resource from Joe Pulizzi
the founder of content matching site Junta42.
I think it makes selling sense. That’s what I call Sensible Selling. It’s about better marketing as a local retail store using the New Media Reality. It doesn’t matter if that’s not your business format. Read it and learn. Translate the principles into your field.
Common Craft Video explains it with simplicity – easy to understand video
Dial *67 before you dial out and Caller ID will show as “Private”.
The Original by Chris Brogan. Chris mentioned that someone stole this post and re-published it as THEIR original content. I like Chris and want to share his ideas with you. They are good and he deserves credit. Thank him on his blog.