I changed MY mind, rather than trying to change the CUSTOMERS mind.
And, that increased my sales.
It was an important lesson that affected my selling process.
Howard is an Internet Sales Consultant. He speaks professionally about Web Marketing and Sensible Selling from an experienced entrepreneur’s viewpoint. He also provides individual coaching, group training, and web marketing consulting services. Contact him now.
It was an important lesson that affected my selling process.
Dial *67 before you dial out and Caller ID will show as “Private”.
The Original by Chris Brogan. Chris mentioned that someone stole this post and re-published it as THEIR original content. I like Chris and want to share his ideas with you. They are good and he deserves credit. Thank him on his blog.
If you receive plenty of inquires, request for proposals, and calls generated from your website, there is no need for you to read further. But if your site just sits there, now might be the time to turn it into a marketing asset for your business.
Create opportunities for others to talk about and promote you. One easy method is to ………
For anyone interested in creating an information business by selling their expertise, or any product or service for that matter, you would be served well to organize your personal business in the cloud and carry a powerful mobile device to access your tools and assets anywhere at anytime.
Thanksgiving is traditionally a day of reflection and sharing of gratitude with the ones we love. I’d like to share my thoughts about a group of people that have influenced me and the quality of life I have been blessed with.
Can you imagine arriving at the airport prior to your scheduled flight and it does not appear on the reader board? There’s no apparent reason other than the airline just didn’t get around to it today. Does an experience like this help increase your trust level for the offending company?
How does this relate to selling YOUR expertise?