Web Traffic Magnet

Now you can learn the secrets…

that I have learned about getting found on the web when someone is looking for what you have to offer.

When I am teaching people how to attract new customers using the new media reality, I rely upon tips from my friend, Liam Scanlan, author of Web Traffic Magnet and other useful tools. No tricks, just practical common sense that will stand the test of time and drive more traffic to your website.

Best Marketing Idea link of the day on the web is right here…

I came across this blog post today and I think it is a great solution for local business looking for ways to use new media for marketing.

I think it makes selling sense. That’s what I call Sensible Selling. It’s about better marketing as a local retail store using the New Media Reality. It doesn’t matter if that’s not your business format. Read it and learn. Translate the principles into your field.