Alex Mandossian tells it better than I can. Watch this video – it’s a rough cut, but contains some good content worth watching… If you want help, contact me for a FREE consult and I will help you.
Category: Consulting
necessary elements for an effective business or profession
Why Blog?
Sensible Selling with a New Sales Process and with a Niche Sales Site The new sales process begins on Google, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, YouTube, and other social media sites. Your web marketing strategy needs a solid foundation (Niche Product Site) that advertising and search marketing efforts can lead to. You can link this “Niche Selling Site” to your… Continue reading Why Blog?
Why Advertise
Why Advertise when you can Tweet for FREE?
In addition, you can post on Facebook for free, join Linkedin for free, +1 and share on Google+ for free, send an email for free, or make a cold call for free. You can even Blog for free.
Local Networking
Local Area Networking – Is Effective Sales and Marketing includes Social and Business Networking activities. It may not be your favorite task. If it isn’t, you should hire or contract with somebody who will get out there and be social with various local networking groups and associations while promoting your business or brand. Even if… Continue reading Local Networking
What Is A Landing Page?
Do you need a website or a sales page? General websites include many CTAs and distracting links by their very nature.
Websites have their place in a Marketing Strategy right along with Landing Pages, Business Cards, Brochures, etc. A Sales Page, on the other hand is …
Your Virtual Sales Office
Can you increase your sales with a competent assistant?
Maximize your productivity by outsourcing or hiring others to do what they do better than you.
Authorize You
A Platform To Sell Your Expertise
Create a platform using these four ingredients and build a business based upon your expertise.
A New Beginning
He had a motorcycle crash 30 years ago which resulted in a life time disability. Look at him today.