Why Entrepreneurs Rule the World

A brief history of business trends.

This article is a guest post from my friend Kate Phillips, Founder of Total Wealth Coaching.

‘In case you didn’t get the memo: Jobs are Dead.’ A brief history of business trends, and 7 reasons why entrepreneurs rule the world (always have, always will).

Selling With Leverage

Is it ever appropriate to use a bribe?

When you’ve “got the goods” on someone and you want a concession from them, is it ethical to use that information to your advantage?

My new favorite TV show… Meet Nate Ford, a former insurance investigator that spent his professional career dedicated to the company that he recovered millions in stolen goods for. This same insurance company would refuse a medical claim for his son that would take the life of the innocent child.

To Sell More – Make Buying Easy

Easy Buying Experiences Increase Sales.

Can your business pass the Easy Test? Do your prospective and new customers go elsewhere because you make it difficult to purchase or use, your product, service, or information?

Word of mouth PR buzz works both ways. Good and Bad. If you are not ready to deliver an outstanding experience, maybe you’d be better off not offering it at all.

Social Media Networking Blunders

What’s your biggest irritation that you deal with while social networking for business? I’m sharing my top 4. This post might be one of yours, by the fact that I’m assuming anyone really cares about my opinion anyway.

In our quest for relevant connections, we sometimes forget our manners while attempting to embrace the “new transparency” movement. Your ultimate goal of biz networking is to build YOUR business.