Alex Mandossian tells it better than I can. Watch this video – it’s a rough cut, but contains some good content worth watching… If you want help, contact me for a FREE consult and I will help you.
Category: Sales Essentials
Why Advertise
Why Advertise when you can Tweet for FREE?
In addition, you can post on Facebook for free, join Linkedin for free, +1 and share on Google+ for free, send an email for free, or make a cold call for free. You can even Blog for free.
How To Sell What You Know
You are an expert in something
You can do something or teach others how to do something where you know more than they do about that something. Now, how can you make money with your expertise?
Get More Sales Without Cold Calling
Every time a customer complains is your biggest opportunity to sell more!
Why is it that business operators’ do not see the potential of increasing their sales whenever a customer calls up to complain?
Life Is A Sales Job
Here’s a quick way to get a job TODAY
Hire yourself and start selling YOU.
Why sell? You already do. Everyone sells. You have since your birth. You may as well do it right and be handsomely rewarded for your efforts.
Subtle Selling
Do You Have A Social Media Sales Strategy?
The new media has created the need for a new sales process. And that new sales process can only be executed with an appropriate marketing strategy that includes social media.
3 Keys To Biz Success
What every entrepreneur ought to know about business.
Hire yourself today, focus on the important, and build your dream business. Don’t settle for a job. Create a business!
Attract Customers Using The New Media
Who Else Wants To Attract More Customers?
Even if you are giving great service and value, some customers will die, some will move away, and some will not need your service any longer.