Sell Without Selling

Selling Is Simple, But Can It Be Subtle?

Is there any way we can escape that pushy “used-car salesman” image while providing honest business enhancement services to our clients?

You can learn the process and go through the mechanics of practicing sales techniques, but the odds are you will end up coming off just like all those bad examples of pushy sales reps because you have become just like a robot.

To Sell More – Make Buying Easy

Easy Buying Experiences Increase Sales.

Can your business pass the Easy Test? Do your prospective and new customers go elsewhere because you make it difficult to purchase or use, your product, service, or information?

Word of mouth PR buzz works both ways. Good and Bad. If you are not ready to deliver an outstanding experience, maybe you’d be better off not offering it at all.

Biscuits, Fleas, and Pump Handles

MY Attitude Motivator and Sales Mentor

I have been studying and practicing the art of selling for over 40 years. My favorite mentor is one of the greatest sales trainers of my time, Zig Ziglar. I’ll never forget my first live training session with him in the early 1970’s.

His first book was titled, Biscuits, Fleas, and Pump Handles and was self-published. It was later titled See You At The Top.

Quick…When I Say Salesmen What Comes to Mind?

When I ask most people that question the typical responses are a wrinkle of their nose and words like, pushy, intrusive, won’t take no for an answer, an interruption, and even rude. It is a reaction born from experience and stereotypes. Just think of the last time you interacted with someone trying to sell you something. Was the experience a good one? Did you find yourself becoming defensive?

Salespeople who act in ways that make us uncomfortable have confronted us all.

Are You Selling a Service or Product?

All Products Really Provide a Service (read benefit)!

YOUR Challenge is to create a visual in your customer’s mind so they can see your product as a solution despite the fact that it is intangible and invisible. You create that solution (customer perception) through the creative use of stories, analogies, and testimonials.